Autodesk Experience

Gunjan Agicha
2 min readMar 4, 2021

I did a 3-month summer internship in Autodesk, after which I was extended a full-time return offer and also a part-time offer for 2 semesters till the end of my graduation.

The work was related to data analytics and automation using tools like Alteryx, Power BI, Smartsheet.

Apart from the tools, I learned some of the most useful skills from my work at Autodesk:

  1. Working with focus
  2. Working continuous hours(deep work) instead of working in chunks.
  3. Be a project lead
  4. Helping others in their project.

In the initial months of part-time, I struggled with managing work and college together. Also, the tools were new to me, hence understanding the work took time. My manager started out by giving me tasks and delegating work from his projects. After I got good at that, he threw me in front of the train by making me the lead of a project. In the first meeting I had with the business owner, I couldn't understand much of what to do, and my manager didn't join the meeting so I had to handle it on my own. I decided to divide the project into tasks(just like my buddy gave me) and meet every week to give updates and work on the next task. This helped me to not feel overwhelmed with the business data, and understand the requirements one at a time. Through this I found my own technique of handling projects end to end.

I also experimented with the deep work formula inspired by the book Deep Work by Cal Newport. The…



Gunjan Agicha

MSCS @UTD, Data Science Intern @Autodesk. If you want to get connected, send request here: